The Bold And The Beautiful

The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers: A SHOCKING Breakup That Nobody Saw Coming

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Soapverse literally thrives on shock twists, but nobody could have anticipated what just happened on B&B. The recent The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers reveal that Carter Walton and Katie Logan have broken up. That too, in the most undramatic and frigid manner possible – offscreen! Yup! The soap didn’t even dedicate two minutes of screentime for their breakup.

The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers recall that in one of the recent episodes Katie just mentioned in passing – IN PASSING – that Carter was her last relationship. Past Tense. Meaning, they are not together anymore. While many B&B fans had been ruminating for the longest time that this pairing was very yawn-worthy. Yet, they deserved a proper end.

the bold and the beautiful spoilers -  - katie - carter

B&B/ Katie and Carter break up offscreen
But then if you think about it, Katie and Carter’s whole relationship largely happened off-screen, so can we really complain about the breakup happening offscreen too? Although we do feel a pinch of pain for Carter because he has already suffered one off-screen breakup with Quinn when she vanished on him without as much as a goodbye!

That said, The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers hint that Katie and Carter’s breakup seems essential to where the story is heading now. We already know that Katie has decided to “insert” herself into Bill Spencer’s personal life. She thinks he needs to be “rescued” from Poppy’s vile intentions for him.

The Bold and The Beautiful SpoilersB&B/ Katie thinks Poppy is exploiting Bill

Many viewers will recall that we saw Katie pull a similar stunt when Bill was pretending to be with Sheila. However, that was just an act, thus, there was no possibility of a love triangle, recall The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers. Meanwhile, in this storyline, Bill has already asked Poppy and Luna to move in with him so they can start living as a real family.

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Now that is a perfect starting point for a love triangle, no? Thus, Katie needs to be single to be able to mingle with Dollar Bill! Hence, the breakup with Carter. But we wonder if it’ll just end up leaving Katie with yet another heartbreak in the end. Her relationship with Bill never works out, history is proof! Meanwhile, she and Carter kind of worked, even if they were a bit boring.

the bold and the beautiful spoilers - bill - katie

So, do you think it would be a mistake for Katie to leave Carter and choose Bill? Tell us in the comments. Meanwhile, stay tuned to Soap Opera Daily for more The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers.

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