The Bold And The Beautiful

Steffy Gives Her Husband a Warning — and Brooke Fears Hope Has Feelings for Finn

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At Forrester, Steffy asks, “What did I just walk in on?! Tell me, Hope.” She fumes, “You need to back off. You stay away from my husband!”

At the Forrester mansion, Brooke discusses Ridge’s offer with Eric and her sisters. She doesn’t want to create anymore tension with Steffy. Donna asks Katie what Brooke should do, but she’s distracted. She confesses she just found out something shocking. Will has a new half-sister. Everyone gawps. Eric asks, “Bill has a daughter?!”

They go over this not being uncharted territory for Bill. Katie explains that it’s Luna. “Luna is Bill’s daughter.” Brooke is stunned. Katie explains she’s getting her information from R.J. Brooke thinks it will be quite an adjustment for Bill, “And for you too.” Katie shrugs that it doesn’t really involve her. Eric and Donna want to know how she feels about having to tell Will this, and Brooke asks if it changes her outlook on Poppy and Bill. “They have a daughter together, and I imagine that could change a lot.”

At Bill’s place, Liam marvels, “I have a sister,” as Luna and Poppy laugh. Bill says it’s a reality and they have the test results to prove it. They realize Liam may need some time to process, but Bill hopes he’ll be as happy about it as they are. Liam declares that there’s only one thing to say, “Hey Luna! Welcome to the family!”

Liam had a feeling when his dad texted him. “I just knew.” Poppy says the test was conclusive. Liam’s stoked that Bill gets to find out how great it is being a girl dad. Luna is excited to be a part of the family. Bill says she already is. Luna gushes that this is more than she could have ever wished for. Liam teases about how happy his dad is and tells the ladies that he’s usually pretty tight-lipped about his love life. He’s sure Bill is crazy for Poppy. She loves him very much, and even more so now that they share a child together.

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At Forrester, Finn tells Steffy there’s no reason to be concerned about his friendship with Hope. Steffy’s concerned about the ideas she’s putting in his head, pushing him to have a relationship with Sheila. Hope says Finn’s his own person and can make up his own mind. Steffy scoffs. Hope can’t seriously believe Sheila has changed. Hope sees the good in people and she thinks Finn feels the same. Steffy tells her she can handle Sheila any way she likes, but leave her husband out of it. Hope doesn’t want to get Finn in anymore trouble, so she’ll go. First, she advises Steffy to focus on Finn. “You’re lucky to have such a compassionate husband.” Once alone, Finn asks his wife, “What was that all about?!”

At the Forrester mansion, they all agree Luna is a lovely young woman. Donna is sure Brooke will hear all about it from RJ. Brooke says he has come to her about Luna’s family situation before. Katie wishes Bill had been as open with her. She’s going to go discuss it with him now.

At Bill’s place, he tells Liam he’s asked Poppy and Luna to move in. Liam notes that his dad is generous when he’s happy. Bill has two incredible women in his life. Liam and Luna exchange a glance as Bill and Poppy canoodle.

Hope is thinking about Finn in the design office when Brooke comes in with news about Luna. Poppy never told her who her father is until today. “It’s Bill.” She asks Hope to keep it quiet, but she wanted her to know because she works with her. Brooke realizes Hope is distracted and asks what’s going on. Hope can’t help it. “I’m thinking about Finn.” She worries about him. “I feel like he doesn’t have much of a voice in his marriage.”

In the main office, Finn asks Steffy what’s going on. Steffy reminds him they agreed not to let anything come between them. No more arguing about Sheila. Finn asks what that has to do with Hope. Steffy says she keeps bringing it up. Finn tells her she has no reason to be hard on Hope. Steffy tells him that Hope always acts like a sweet, innocent victim who blames everything that’s gone wrong with her life on her. It’s not true. He needs to think before defending Hope ever again. Steffy tells Finn she loves him; he’s kind and he cares about people… but sometimes she feels like he’s a little too caring. His instinct to help everyone. She has an issue with Sheila and Hope trying to manipulate him. Finn asks what her point is here. Steffy thinks the less he sees of Hope, the better.

At Bill’s place, he and Liam have gone, and Luna has to get back to work too. She and Poppy go over how happy they are. Poppy hopes this new life is all she imagined it would be. Luna just wanted to know who her dad was, all of this (she gestures to the house) is just icing on the cake. Katie lets herself in and overhears Poppy say, “Look at us. Bill Spencer is your father. We’re living in the Spencer estate. Life couldn’t be better.” Katie makes a face and slams the door to announce herself. Poppy asks if Bill called her. Katie says she was with RJ when Luna texted him. She supposed congratulations are in order. Luna enthuses about all of her questions being answered. She can’t wait to meet Will. Katie asks if she heard correctly… they’re living here already? Poppy explains that they’ve lost so much time already. Liam gave them his blessing and she’s hoping Katie will too.

In the design office, Hope goes on to Brooke about all of Finn’s extraordinary qualities. She doesn’t think he should have to feel bad about having a big heart. She’s tired of seeing him have to justify himself constantly. Brooke stops her. “Where are you going with all of this?” Hope doesn’t think Steffy appreciates what she has in Finn. Brooke knows there has been conflict between her and Steffy, but Finn is her husband… and Ridge’s daughter. “You have to respect that…” Hope snaps that she’s aware of that. Brooke asks her to be honest. “Are you having feelings for Steffy’s husband?!”

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