The Bold And The Beautiful

A Hysterical Hope Declares War on Steffy — and Bill Gives Liam Mind-Blowing News

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At Forrester, Hope tells Steffy, “You can’t be serious.” Steffy says tough decisions have to be made. “Your line is in trouble.” Hope doubts it. Steffy says she can think what she wants but she has to consider the health of the company. If that means cutting her line, she’ll do it. Hope wishes she’d been part of the conversation earlier, so she could have made changes to save the line. She wonders if she’s run this by Ridge. Steffy says that’s not the point. Hope suspects that this decision to cut her line isn’t strictly business. “And I’m right. Aren’t I?”

At the Forrester mansion, Donna and Brooke want to know if there’s a part of Katie who wants another chance with Bill. Katie’s already said she doesn’t see a future with Bill. Donna and Brooke aren’t buying it. She’s happy, but could she be happier? If things went back to the way they were when things were really good with Bill? Brooke says they can tell that on some level she still loves him and misses him. Katie admits they’re not entirely off-base. Bill opened up the world for her and gave her Will. They’ve had a lot of amazing times as a family. Donna thinks sharing a child together is something Luna’s mother will never have with him.

At Bill’s place, he can’t believe he and Poppy may have a daughter together. She laughs, “Yes, Bill. You could be Luna’s father.” Bill tells her this could be a blessing. They both know what needs to happen next. “A paternity test. Today.” Poppy agrees, but first she wants to talk to Luna alone. Bill agrees. He hopes she’s as excited as he is about the possibility of him being her father. They embrace.

In the design office, Luna thinks about Poppy telling her Bill is not her father. Li appears and wants to know where things stand between her sister and Bill. “Tell me everything.” She sniffs that Poppy has a history of dating older, very wealthy men. “I don’t think her intentions are pure.” Luna supposes she’s saying her mom is a golddigger. Li replies, “That’s exactly what I’m saying.” She insists she sees who Poppy really is. Luna says she spent her life caring for her and raising her. Li thinks she’s loyal and wearing blinders where her mother’s concerned. Luna knows she makes mistakes, but she’s being unfairly attacked. Bill means a lot to her. Li says of course he does… he ticks all the boxes. He’s also Kelly’s grandfather and she is protective of Bill’s family. She won’t allow Poppy to take advantage of him.

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In Forrester’s main office, Steffy and Hope bicker about the brunette’s plan to cut the Hope For the Future line. Steffy’s been concerned about it for a very long time. Hope and her team haven’t pulled it together. She’ll be talking to her father and talking to Carter. “A decision has to be made about your line.”

At the Forrester mansion, Katie thinks that Bill is smitten with Luna’s mom. Brooke thinks that, deep down, he wants to reunite his family. Just then, Hope comes through the door. She heard her mom was there and tells her something needs to be done about Steffy. “She’s completely out of control!”

At Forrester, Steffy has Carter look at the numbers for Hope For the Future. They’re worse than expected. Steffy asks if he thinks, as COO, that they should wait to see if the line comes roaring back. Carter’s expression says no. Steffy muses, “I didn’t think so.” She states that Hope For the Future is under-performing in a very big way and Thomas isn’t there to save the day. Carter says there’s no way Brooke will let this happen. Steffy says Brooke isn’t CEO, “I am.”

At Bill’s place, Liam is talking about business, but realizes his father’s not paying attention. Liam asks what’s going on with him today. Bill says Poppy was here before he arrived. Struggling to find the words, he says she told him something that was just mind-blowing.


In the design office, Poppy asks Luna if she can take a break. “This is important.” She tells her there’s something she needs to know… about her father. Luna asks, “What about him?” Poppy recaps that for most of her life she’s wondered who he is. She explains she loved their relationship so much that she didn’t think she needed anyone. Luna asks, “And that’s changed?” Poppy says that over twenty years ago, she spent a magical night with a man she fell in love with right away. That’s why she always told her she was conceived in love. “I’m not 100% certain, but there is a chance that your father could be… Bill Spencer.” Luna gawps, “My father could be Bill Spencer?!” She’d almost given up hope.

At Bill’s place, Liam asks if he and Poppy argued. Bill asks, “Do I look angry?” He complains about his son’s inability to read him. Poppy’s news was thrilling. Liam asks, “What are we thrilled about?” Bill crows, “Life!” He says they were reminiscing about that one night they shared. He regrets never reaching out to her again. Bill never thought for a moment that there was a possibility that… “Poppy told me something yesterday… Poppy finally admitted that I could be Luna’s father.” Liam gawps.


At the Forrester mansion, Hope goes on about Steffy’s vindictiveness. After Thomas left, she wasn’t about to throw in the towel. Hope For the Future means so much to her. But her name is in the line and Steffy wants to destroy it. She breaks down, “Steffy’s already helped to destroy my relationship to Thomas, you know, encouraged him to move halfway across the world and took my son with him. And now she’s trying to take Hope For the Future away from me as well!” Brooke gawps, “What? No, sweetheart…” Hope says it’s true, “Steffy wants to cancel Hope For the Future.” The Logan sisters gasp. Hope continues that she says it’s a business decision, but they all know that is not the case. “This is about her personal vendetta against me. This is about her trying to take something I care so much about away from me yet again, and I am tired of it.” She’s tried to play nice, but if she wants to go after her line and pit the Logans against the Forresters, she’s going to regret it. “Cause this time, it’s war!”

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