The Bold And The Beautiful

Thomas Only Returns to Taylor Funeral! Steffy Lied to Him Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers

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Bold and Beautiful fans, everyone right now is in the dark about Taylor Hayes and how she is dying. It’s only a matter of time before the bombshell explodes. Steffy is bound to be stunned; she’ll refuse to believe this, but there’s nothing she can do about it.

That’s not the important thing. What bothers me the most is how the show is leaving out Thomas and Douglas in the upcoming storylines. The show has made it obvious that Taylor made sure to spend time with Thomas and Douglas in Paris before she came to Los Angeles, which means one obvious thing: Taylor came back to her family to spend the last of what she has. She mentioned spending time with Thomas and Douglas overseas, but why hasn’t she called upon her son to be here in Los Angeles, where she can spend the final days with everyone together?

We know she had time bonding with Thomas in Paris, but is that it? Will Thomas and Douglas not come back to Los Angeles before Taylor is dead? Spoilers revealed that the man has been completely shut down from being a part of Taylor’s tragic twist, and here’s the reason why.

The show explained how Taylor went to see Thomas first, which happened off-screen. At least the show mentioned that she did, otherwise, we would have thought that Thomas and Douglas were not that important to Taylor. Now it’s been a while since she came back to Los Angeles, and while there have been rumors about the return of Thomas, it’s not happening right now. It seems like he’ll only be informed about the shockers after Taylor is dead.

It’s not fair that Thomas and Douglas miss this chance to see Taylor for the last time, talk to her, and say their final goodbye. Why do only Steffy and the others get to do that? Thomas is Taylor’s son, and he deserves this as much as Steffy does. So, it’s kind of strange as to why they are missing right now. It’s obvious that Thomas knows nothing about his mother’s heart failure. If only he had a clue, he would have surely reached out to Steffy about it.

Right now, it’s all about Taylor’s bonding with Steffy, Ridge, Kelly, and Hayes. I know she just wants to reconnect with the family, but why is Thomas being left out? If only Taylor comes clean to Steffy and reveals that she is dying, would that change things? I doubt it’s going to happen.

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B&B spoilers reveal that Thomas is going to be left in the dark while his mother takes her last breath. He and Douglas are definitely missing out on Taylor’s final moments, and he’s going to explode when he finds out that no one informed him about the shockers. He’ll feel betrayed by his mom and his own family. Of course, Taylor will insist that Thomas knows nothing about it. She cares about him and doesn’t want him to go through this heartbreaking ordeal. So, Taylor might as well urge Steffy to promise that they keep Thomas and Douglas away from this heartbreak.

I don’t know what Taylor is thinking. I mean, she knows she only has months to live, but instead of revealing the shockers and spending the remaining time with all of her family members, she keeps her mouth shut. Once the truth is exposed, Thomas will be really disappointed and heartbroken, knowing that he could have had some precious moments with his mom.

Imagine a scenario where Thomas gets a call from Steffy saying that their mom is dead, and she wants him at the funeral. When he arrives at the funeral, he’ll find out that everyone kept silent about Taylor’s heart failure and kept him overseas while his mom suffered. This is going to be a real disaster for everyone at the funeral.

So guys, that’s all for now. Please share your thoughts in the comment section below and subscribe to our channel to join our B&B family.

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