The Bold And The Beautiful

Bold & Beautiful Bombshell: The Stunning Hope Reveal That Would Turn the Show Upside-Down

Bold & Beautiful has been rather murkily building toward something in Hope’s storyline for a while now… and it’s suddenly becoming a lot clearer what’s in store for the more brazen and occasionally befuddled blonde. If our hunch is correct, the reveal and its implications will upend everything — and everyone — in her orbit!

At this point, we probably don’t even have to spell it out. Thanks to Bold & Beautiful’s penchant for having all characters connected to a storyline making similar observations at the same time, it doesn’t take a Rhodes scholar to figure out where we’re headed. From Taylor to Liam, there’s not a person in Hope’s inner or outer circle who hasn’t made some kind of remark about her behavior. Specifically, that she’s been acting out in ways they’d never have expected.

From Steffy calling out Hope for “turning into her mother”, to Taylor psycho-analyzing her sudden pivot to Brooke-like behavior, to Brooke staring in horror at her daughter and exclaiming, “This isn’t like you,” a point is definitely being driven home. But when another character (in this case Liam to Steffy at the cliff house) states, “Hope hasn’t been herself for a while now,” well, sound the alarm, because a soap opera brain tumor is almost certainly to blame.
Steffy Liam B&B



Let’s rewind all the way back to the first eyebrow-raising move Hope made… starting to fantasize about Thomas, the man who had previously given her the ick for some darn good reasons. If you’ll recall, this was when she first began having those intensely sexual thoughts about her former obsessor, and even began hallucinating that Liam was Thomas while they were being intimate.
Bold thomas hope kiss office

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Next, came the impulsive act of kissing Thomas in Rome, after which she and Liam split up. When everyone expected Hope to zig back into Liam’s arms after begging his forgiveness, she instead zagged, and uncharacteristically decided to break up her family in order to go on a sex odyssey of sorts with Steffy’s brawny big bro.
Hope Thomas B&B

But when it came to committing to Thomas, Hope couldn’t get her head on straight. Suddenly, we were plunged into a world where Steffy was accusing Hope of using her brother as a sex toy and becoming just like Brooke. We didn’t really know what to make of this, and neither did others. Thomas, for his part, was broken-hearted and fled across the pond at Steffy’s suggestion, leaving Hope in a state.
Steffy Hope

It was after Thomas’ abrupt departure with Douglas that Hope became angry, understandably so, but more than that, her behavior became subtly moodier and more unhinged. Before we knew it, she was having migraine headaches, spiraling from stress, and her lifeblood, her fashion line, was going down the tubes.

Amid her confrontations with Steffy, Hope began to fantasize about her rival’s husband, Finn, who had become a “good friend” with magic hands throughout her turmoil. The icing on the crazy cake was another impulsive act… kissing Finn in the middle of the Forrester living room while Young & Restless’ Danny Romalotti performed Rock On and her Aunt Donna swooned mere feet away. It was a moment we won’t soon forget and made for a helluva cliffhanger.

So, we have to ask: If all of Hope’s behavior dating back to when she began fantasizing about Thomas is about to be explained away by a brain tumor (that we’re certain Finn, and only Finn, will be able to remove with a risky experimental surgery), how is that not going to turn the show upside-down?!

Would we have to revert to a world where Hope doesn’t find Thomas hot? Sure, he’s been out of sight, but never out of mind. Even with the designer gone for months and engaged to someone else, fans continue to pine for a “Thope” reunion. That pairing was easily one of the hottest things seen on Bold & Beautiful since the days of “Quarter” (and they’re gone too… why can’t we have nice things?!).

Thomas Hope B&B

Not only that, but we’d abruptly be out of a frontburner story. Aside from Bill and Katie flirting with the idea of getting back together for the umpteenth time, the Steffy/Finn/Hope triangle is all anyone’s talking about… quite literally! If Hope goes back to normal and becomes horrified by the idea of breaking up Steffy’s marriage, the only prospect we’ll be left with is another go’round of Brooke/Ridge/Taylor. The agony!
Taylor Brooke Ridge B&B

Finally, if Hope is cured of her soap brain tumor, she’ll probably want to put back together the family she tore asunder. But do we really want to see her go back to the flip-flopper she finally rejected? It was so refreshing to see her stand up and say she deserved someone who loved her and only her. Team Brain Tumor!

Of course, if Hope does set her sights back on her ex-hubster, she might find, to her suprise, that Liam isn’t available. Cousin Ivy’s set to return to Los Angeles and the last time she was there she made no bones about the fact that she wanted to, well… jump Liam’s bones.
Scott Clifton, Ashleigh Brewer

We can see it now, Brooke crying and blatting over her daughter’s brain tumor, Steffy having to give Finn clearance to enter Hope’s hospital room to save her life, Thomas returning and being rebuffed at her bedside… everything upside-down and inside-out.
Brooke sob cry B&B

We’re betting it’s either a brain tumor or a mental break, in which case Hope could end up being the first patient shrunk
on the couch in Taylor’s newly re-established office. Now that would be an intersting dynamic. Perhaps a conflict of interest?
Hope Taylor B&B

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