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The Bold And The Beautiful

The Bold and The Beautiful Spoilers: Tom Meets A Shocking End, But “Whodunnit?”

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Our homeless buddy Tom was delighted when Deacon offered him a job and a place to stay, point The Bold and The Beautiful Spoilers. Unfortunately, there are no free lunches in this world, especially in the world of soaps. Thus, Tom might end up paying dearly for this favor that he has accepted from Deacon.

But could he have to pay for it by losing his life? well, that’s exactly what the latest B&B spoilers are hinting at. In fact, he has already received his first sinister warning from the she-devil herself! Recently, Sheila overheard Tom badmouthing her to Deacon. Of course, she did not take kindly of her. But hey, Sheila is a changed woman now!

The Bold And Beautiful Spoilers - Sheila

B&B/ Could Sheila take Tom’s life if he crosses her?

So nicey-nicey Sheila let Tom off with a warning to remain on her side rather than against her or face dire consequences. Well, that was very magnanimous of her, because old Sheila would’ve just “offed” him without warning! Unfortunately, she hasn’t changed all that much, so there is still a high chance that he’ll pull the trigger on him if he betrays her!

Meanwhile, the latest episodes, also gave us a sneak peek into a possible past connection between him and Poppy! It appears as though there is some deep dark secret about Poppy that Tom is aware of. In fact, The Bold and The Beautiful Spoilers reveal that he pays her a shocking visit in the upcoming episode.

The Bold and The Beautiful spoilers

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So, we’ll get to know more about what this past connection is that they share. However, going by Poppy’s uneasiness around him, we are sure the secret is awful. Moreover, it is something that she won’t want her boo, Bill, to find out! Thus, there is a possibility that she’ll take a dark turn and end up taking Tom’s life to keep her secret hidden.

The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers - Poppy

We know Tom is an expendable character. Therefore, he is the perfect choice to be the victim in a possible whodunnit storyline! And we do have two perfect candidates as possible suspects!  !

Meanwhile, what do you think this dark secret between Poppy and Tom is? Tell us in the comments!

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