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The Bold And The Beautiful

Bold & Beautiful Twist: Getting a New Best Friend Just May Be Sheila’s Worst Nightmare

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When Krista Allen left Bold & Beautiful, she said that she’d been informed that the character of Taylor wasn’t needed. But she is. She so is. So when the show eventually realizes that and recasts (no doubt with one of these estimable actresses), a frontburner storyline will be ready and waiting for her.

We can see it now. Taylor’s first visits will be to her children, to check on Thomas’ broken heart and Steffy’s shattered psyche. “You won’t have to worry about Sheila for much longer,” Taylor assures her daughter.

“Are you gonna stab her?” Steffy asks.

“Nah,” Taylor replies. “I’m gonna do something she’s gonna like even less. I’m gonna be her new best friend.”

Taylor Steffy embrace B&B

With that, Taylor shows up at Il Giardino to offer an outstretched hand to the madwoman who shot her and her daughter (among many others). “You’re a fact of life,” Taylor tells Sheila. “I can fight it forevermore, or I can just try to make the best of it. I’m choosing the latter. Care to join me?”

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Just like that, Taylor says that she and Sheila have wiped the slate clean. It’s all a ploy on the shrink’s part, to get close and stay close to the psycho so that she can monitor her state of mind. When alarm bells sound, Taylor figures, she can warn Steffy & Co.

Steffy doesn’t like it. She feels that it puts her mom in harm’s way. Ridge isn’t too keen on it, either. But Taylor is adamant. She will maintain the illusion that she is Sheila’s new BFF in perpetuity in order to protect her loved ones.

Overhearing, Sheila is devastated — and enraged. “No one plays Sheila Carter for a fool,” she mutters. Hell-bent on having the last laugh, she begins slowly poisoning her frenemy — to the point that she becomes bedridden. Since it only appears that Taylor is very ill, not poisoned, she insists that she can hire a nurse. But Sheila won’t hear of it. “I’ll take care of you myself,” she says. “After all, what are friends for?”

When Deacon happens upon a mysterious vial in Sheila’s purse, she looks for a fleeting instant like she is busted. “They’re drops for… anti-anxiety,” she says, thinking up a lie as fast as she can. Deacon seems to buy it, but does he? Or will he go so far as to question Taylor’s sudden illness… and whether his bride has something to do with it? If he does, he could end up saving Taylor’s life… and sending the woman he loves to prison for life!

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