The Bold And The Beautiful

At Last! Bold & Beautiful Reveals That [Spoiler] Is Luna’s Father

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Luna B&B

Sheesh. There was a minute there when we were afraid that The Bold and the Beautiful had forgotten that it had left us dying to learn the identity of Luna’s father. Finally, this week the question is about to be answered, and the lucky guy is…

Bill, it would seem. After Katie grills her ex-husband and new squeeze Poppy about their past and present romances on Tuesday, May 28, Luna’s mother shares what the show calls “life-changing information” with her lover on Wednesday, May 29. Now that in and of itself doesn’t necessarily mean that she’s going to reveal that Bill should’ve been passing out cigars 20-odd years ago. But what happens next does.

Poppy Bill B&B

On Thursday, May 30, Luna receives info that she’s been waiting for. Could that be anything else but the name of her father? We don’t think so, either.

Only one thing troubles us. After all that buildup, it seems too easy, right? We’ve suspected since day one that Bill and Poppy’s long-ago tryst had resulted in Luna’s birth. And the young woman has already kinda glommed onto Bill as a sorta father figure. So where’s the drama in that reveal?

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What we suspect is that perhaps Poppy sees how nicely things are falling into place. She and Bill are crazy about each other, and Luna likes him, too. So Poppy could be deciding, “Hey, why rock the boat? If I just tell Bill he’s Luna’s dad, nobody ever has to find out about my deep, dark secret.”

Which is… ? That the summer Poppy got so close to nephew Finn way back when, their relationship became as intimate as Ned and Aunt Monica’s did on General Hospital decades ago. Heck, the soap already had Poppy come out and say as much. (Remember this scene?) And that reveal would have major impact. Bill would be crushed. Luna would be horrified. And Li would hit the roof.

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