The Bold And The Beautiful

You *Are* the Father! Bold & Beautiful’s [Spoiler] Is Luna’s Baby Daddy — Here’s How We Know

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Between Sheila’s return from the dead and a dreaded pregnancy test, we’re headed into a week of full-on panic on Bold & Beautiful. But rest easy, SOAPS readers, we’ve got at least one mystery solved. No need to hyperventilate over who may have sired Luna’s potential offspring. We know the answer to the all-important question, “Who’s the father?”?

In the latest Bold & Beautiful preview, Luna is agitated after having taken a pregnancy test. Feverishly, she pleads with her mother to read out the result. In turn, Poppy says nothing but shoots her a look that leaves little doubt that it’s positive. Just wait until Aunt Li finds out!

Bold & Beautiful’s Luna was already in crisis mode, having inadvertently slept with her boyfriend RJ Forrester’s cousin Zende Forrester whilst under the influence of champagne and special mints. Luna, as is wont to happen on soaps, had sex with Zende believing he was actually RJ. Yes, it was RJ’s face she saw that night, and RJ she thought she was having all that extra-uninhibited sex with… except it wasn’t. Zende, for his part, assumed she was so hot for him that she kissed RJ goodbye at the party and went directly to his bed to lie in wait.

Luna B&B

Making matters even more of a mess, Luna managed to get herself talked into keeping it a secret from RJ, when her first instinct was to be honest with him right away about what had transpired. Poppy, who had already been beyond ‘helpful’ by leaving her special mints laying around for her daughter to unknowingly grab, proceeded to make another huge motherly misstep by encouraging Luna to go against her gut, which was telling her to be honest.

Sure enough, when RJ eventually found out he was livid, not only with Zende, who took a sucker punch to the nose, but at being kept in the dark for weeks.

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Zende RJ B&B

At first, RJ couldn’t look at Luna without envisioning her in Zende’s bed and arms, but he seemed to finally come around and last we saw them, Luna and RJ had shared a loving embrace and appeared to be getting back on track. As far as the audience knows, Zende, Luna, and RJ have been working together, if not harmoniously, then civilly on Hope’s new line at Forrester Creation.

But there’s no drama in that, so enter the dreaded pregnancy scare.

Luna’s panic over the pee stick is likely for more reasons than one. She’s not exactly at the point in her career where it’s an opportune time to be putting things on hold to have her first child. She and RJ are at the beginning of their young relationship and have just weathered a big storm. There’s also another issue, and it’s a biggie. RJ may not have been the one who sowed the seed… it could have been Cousin Zende. Or could it?

RJ Zende and Luna BB

If Luna takes a breath and starts thinking straight, she’ll soon remember what we did. After she and Zende had sex, he told her that they had used protection. Meaning he couldn’t possibly be the father of her child. If that test is positive, RJ is definitely the baby daddy.

Unless, of course, it comes out that RJ and Luna also used protection every time they were intimate. If that’s the case, brace yourselves, because we’ll be in for ‘The Mystery of the Failed Birth Control’ and having to question whether Zende lied to Luna, who was in no condition to remember the events of that night accurately. Egad.

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